Top 5 Tips to Keep Active this Christmas!
The end of year holiday season is a wonderful, fire-side season of food, drink, family, friends and merriment. And because, depending on where we are in the world, it’s sometimes snow-covered or wintry, we also spend a good portion of it indoors, on top of that. It makes sense, it’s where it’s warm, cosy and snug and it feels great to hibernate and share the love of our nearest and dearest. It’s a fabulous time for gratitude.
But after a few days, it can also feel a bit much, too indulgent, rich and heavy. Keeping active can be the key to not overindulging, overeating or overdoing it in general. You’ll feel fitter, fresher and ready to get back into the swing of the New Year once the hunkering down is over.
But how to do that? Here’s our Top 5 Tips.
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Get out of the house. A brisk and chilly walk round the block, or a ramble over the moors, through the woods, through quiet streets of a city, along the river or down to the park is heavenly after the fug of indoors. Bundle yourself up in a coat, hat, gloves and scarf against the cold. The contrast can get the heart racing and the blood pumping. It can be a longer walk, cycle or jog (if your pelvic floor is up to it), but it doesn’t have to be - any movement is worthwhile.
Little and often. Can’t bear to tear yourself away from the gang for too long? That’s fine, use ‘movement snacks’ to build up your active points over the course of the day. Some squats whilst you’re brushing your teeth, some wall push-ups whilst you’re prepping veg, step ups whilst you’re going up the stairs and more!
Get the kids involved. It might take a little longer than usual, but babies love watching us exercise, and toddler and older kids will love to join in. It’s fab to get them involved and also brilliant for them to see you prioritise exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Cosmic Kids Yoga is a great one to try whilst you do some vinyasas.
Make the most of your visitors. If you’re spending Christmas with family, you have five times as much childcare on hand than usual. Use them (they love it too) and nip to a pilates class or the gym (if they’re open) or a walk/run/cycle (if the gym’s closed) whilst someone else is holding the baby.
Use someone else to inspire you. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram for little snippets of us keeping active, so you know you’re not on your own. Use an app like MumHood or Fit Mummy Project for safe, postnatal, exercise at home workouts.
&Breathe Postnatal is a family wellbeing company focusing on self-care for new parents. Join one of our postnatal and family fitness retreats in France, Morocco, the USA or the UK.